Resolution #1: Greet people with a smile anytime anywhere.
#2: When I tell loved ones "we should get together", I am going to follow through.
#3: Everything I do I will do in love.
#4: Read my bible regularly and try to memorize scripture.
#5: Set aside time for prayer and meditation every day.
#6: Exercise more patience with people who irritate me.
#7: Volunteer.
#8: Attend WOF meetings at church.
#9: Respect my own feelings and not sweep my needs and wants under the
sake of "not rocking the boat".
#10: Be a better caregiver to my husband my child.
#11: Cultivate existing relationships that I have been neglecting.
#12: Blog more.
#13: Eat less.
#14: Take regular walks for my health and for personal growth.
#15: Notice God's beauty once a day whether it be looking at the sky, appreciating the
color of green, green grass or feeling the wind on my face.
#16: Love those who need to be loved even when they don't act like they deserve it.
#17: Worry less about things I cannot control.
#18: Strive to learn as much I as I can on my new job.
#19: Be more aware of and be careful with other people's feelings.
#20. Offer to help those who cannot help themselves.
I don't think any of these are too far fetched or too difficult to accomplish. I have been doing a lot of thinking this past week. What is strange is I have done more heartfelt thinking this past week NOT making the 2 hour drive every day this week. During my commute each morning and afternoon, I would spend time thinking about "how" I was going to continue making the drive. I would pray for God to allow those around me to be in a pleasant mood in spite of everything that was going on with our department. Negativity is a very powerful thing. Looking back, I guess I could've been a better cheerleader. However, as I said, negativity is very powerful thing. It sucks up every bit of happiness a person tries to exude.
I began my new job at Thomaston Hospice on January 3rd. The strange thing is that I never got jump up and down excited about it. God gave me the gift of calm and peace. I mean, I was excited at the thought of no longer having to make the drive, but calm trumped excitement. Every day is filled with something new. We have new admits and then there are the deaths. Death is imminent. It is coming for us all. The first thing I learned at hospice is that we exist to help provide a peaceful and dignified death while also helping loved ones cope with their loss. It is very sobering I must say. However, each death is a celebration honoring the person who lived. They are in a better place that's for sure.
Well, it is a new year. I have a new job. I am a new mother of 10 months and a wife of almost 3 years. There is so much I've learned and I know there's lots more. I will try to keep my heart and my eyes open. God will guide me. I have faith.
What a wonderful post. I miss you and am really proud of your new year resolutions. I am glad to hear the job change has been a good one. I love you!